Hauptmautstellen A9 Bosruck und Gleinalm
As part of the general refurbishment of the A9 Pyhrn motorway main toll stations, both the Gleinalm and Bosruck sites will be given a new look - both the toll booths and the administration buildings. The general refurbishment and new construction of the two main toll stations will take place while the A9 motorway is fully operational.
The administration building of the Gleinalm main toll station will be replaced by a new hybrid building (reinforced concrete and timber construction).
The second floor of the administration building of the Bosruck main toll station will also be built in timber.
At both locations, the existing toll booths and canopies will be removed and replaced by the new dynamic design by A9 Neustädter und Plank ArchitektInnen OG.
Text and visualisations ©A9 Neustädter und Plank ArchitektInnen OG